Saturday, September 29, 2012

The Difference

The Family Oriented Man Vs. The Momma's Boy

Have you ever heard these words from a woman, “He is such a momma’s boy”! Yes most women do hate to have to share their man with his mother. Yes, we know this ladies, but you really must know the difference between a real “momma’s boy” and a man that is family oriented. Knowing the different will do two things 1. It will cause you to save your time, because you are really dealing with a momma’s boy. Or 2. It will cause you to understand the man has a very strong family foundation.

The Momma’s Boy
When dealing with a momma’s boy you know before he makes any decision he will call his mother. His mother is always over at the house, there just isn’t any breathing room for your marriage or relationship to grow. This for you is bad and for the man he’s trying to balance both his relationship with his woman and his mother. Most women will not waste their time with this situation and most women cannot be talked into wasting that time either.

Most of his conversations will begin with my momma says, my momma thinks, my momma does, my momma will. This man probably doesn’t know how to iron, cook, do laundry, let alone separate colors from whites. Most women who can handle these projects will take them on, (God speed to you!) those who cannot will definitely avoid this.

The Family Oriented Man
When dealing with a man that is family oriented you must understand a couple of things. When this man is speaking with his mother it is out of respect, it is to ensure that the rock of the family is okay, this is not a bad thing ladies. If a man can’t check on the woman that birth and raised him, what makes you think he will check on you? A man will always bring you around the women of his family to get that infamous “second opinion”. The saying goes “A man knows another man and a woman knows another woman”. This is a good thing ladies, if a man never brings you around his family he feels that there are some characteristics about you that he either questions or he knows it throws up a red flag.

The difference between the momma’s boy and this man is that, yes he will take the advice given by the women in his family, but at the end of the day, the decision is his to make and he will make decisions on his own. When a man brings you around family period this man is trying to get his family use to seeing you and you use to seeing them. In my family we have a saying “There are no in-laws, it’s just family”. 

Sometimes a woman needs another woman to talk and sometimes a man can sense that so, when you see him walking out the door and he looks back and asks “You good”? or “You gon be aight”? Use that time that moment to connect with his mother and you may find out why he’s so good to you, why he’s as respectful as he is, mothers know their sons and if you want to have a better relationship with that man, start with his foundation. (P.S. You just might get an embarrassing story or two, okay maybe a couple.) Remember don’t try to change a man because others say so, if he treats you good, he love you and he doesn’t make you cry (unless he’s proposing), let him be who he is and you’ll be glad you left him as is.

~Be Blessed~ 

The Gentleman 

Sunday, July 22, 2012

The Value of a Man....

I can admit I am not a perfect man, I wish and I work for it everyday, but I'm not perfect. I constantly go to the gym, but just never have been able to cut those notorious 6 packs that I see in Muscle mag. When I'm tired yes I put anything anywhere. I misspell words and every now and then I find myself in the drive-thru of In-N-Out. When it comes to women I can say I have never cheated and I have dedicated my all to my relationships.

My fault has been I have allowed myself to be mistreated because "I understand she's been hurt before." In this I took a step back from being the strong person I am to just another guy. It took me a while to realize that this was happening along with other things. I found myself not looking at myself with value. It was like I was saying "I'll take anybody and you take it out on me." I was losing the worth that a man should have for himself.

I've always been told "you're too nice", which I've always found to be funny, but I find that no one ever checks the back story of a person. As a young boy I saw my mother mistreated and as a child, a teenager, young adult, or an adult, you never want to see your parent hurt, I know I didn't. I knew guys that were just complete dogs and they still are til this day. Women say that all men are the same, well, I beg to differ. Every man has different limits, different upbringings, different styles, different mindsets. The reason all of the men in your world are the same is because you continue selecting the same type of man, but that's another conversation.

Women just because a man says yes a lot doesn't mean you will never hear the word no. I can speak for myself when I say yes it's because it's something that I WANT to do, something that I NEED to do, and something I HAVE to do. Sometimes a man just wants to see a woman smile and happy. It doesn't lower my self-worth to say yes. It doesn't make me any less of a man to consistently open the door, ask you how you are doing or how your day was. A man's value is not his shape, skin tone, money or lack there of, his value rest within his character. I value myself as a gentleman, a hard worker, and someone who wants to enjoy life. It is an old school way of doing things, but it's always been said, "if it isn't broken, then don't try to fix it."